If you are interested in more information about my artwork, please call me at (415)492-1224 or email me at mjhealey@michaeljhealey.com.



I have my favorite artists and art styles, like most people, but I don't identify myself as part of any particular group. In fact, my inspiration comes from many sources outside of the visual art work.

Drawing has been part of a life-long process. I create drawings as spontaneous expressions in themselves, not as preparations for paintings. To me, the medium is not the most important feature of my artwork. I find watercolors, oils, pen and ink and pencil drawings, etchings, and monotypes are all suitable styles for me. I hope you will see them as completed works that will stand on their own.

My paintings are a visual journal of my thoughts. In each painting and drawing there are many separate images, which are related to the central theme. The image the viewer sees on the paper or canvas represents only a fragment of the overall scene existing in my mind. Hopefully the viewer will supply his or her personal context for the depicted scene.



Born 1942, West Medford, Massachusetts.
Graduate of Vesper George School of Art, Boston, MA.
U.S. Army 1964-1967.
Lives and works in San Rafael, California.


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Michael J. Healey (415) 492-1224 © 2004 All rights reserved